Book: The Christian Passover

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Initial credit and acknowledgment for this book belong to God the Father and Jesus Christ. Their inspiration and understanding imparted throughout the compilation of this work have been continually evident. It is my sincere hope that this same inspiration and understanding may be imparted to you, the reader.

Appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to my lovely, dear wife, Dolores, who has cooperated so wonderfully and encouragingly in sacrificing her time away from me during the writing of this book. Personal thanks to Bobby Whitt for initiating the writing of this work, by his phone call to me with questions concerning the Passover, which motivated me to write this book. Thanks go to Carl and Jean Franklin for their dedicated help for the second edition.

For the third edition, nearly all the Old Testament scriptures have been updated using the translation from the Holy Bible In Its Original Order— A Faithful Version, 2009, by the author. Thanks go to Philip Neal for editing and proofing, Albert and Mela Cataga for proofing, John, Hiedi and Sasha Vogele for updating the scriptures, proofing and formatting for printing.

Special thanks are extended to the members of the Christian Biblical Church of God for their love, prayers, encouragement and support in making this vital book possible. Finally, appreciation and thanks are extended to those faithful Bible scholars and writers who, in their search for truth down through the centuries, have endeavored to uphold the Word of God.

Fred R. Coulter
First Edition, Winter 1993
Second Edition, Fall 1999
Third Edition, Summer 2010