Book: God, or No God?
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Biological life is, if nothing else, organized. Organization is observable at every level, starting at the single cell. In higher forms, cells in turn are grouped into tissues; tissues into organs, glands, bones, muscles, vessels; all those into systems, each of which performs specific functions—all of which are coordinated in such a way as to sustain the organism and enable it to perform the necessary tasks for survival.

At the cellular level, there is not only supreme organization but regulation—control, if you will. The substance known as DNA (desoxyribose nucleic acid) is the component substance of genes and chromosomes (strings of genes) that are in the nucleus of every living cell. Together, along with molecules called nucleotides, they form the “genome,” which in turn controls all metabolic functions performed in each cell.

According to genetics expert John C. Sanford, “The complex nature of the genome can only be appreciated when we begin to grasp how much information it contains…. If you compiled all the instruction manuals associated with creating a modern automobile, it would comprise a substantial library…. There is simply no human technology that can even begin to serve as an adequate analogy for the complexity of a human life. Yet the genome is the instruction manual encoding all that information—as needed for life!”

Sanford goes on: “We have thus far only discovered the first dimension of this ‘book of life’—which is a linear sequence of 4 types of extremely small molecules called nucleotides. These small molecules make up the individual ‘steps’ of the spiral-staircase structure of DNA. These molecules are the letters of the genetic code, and are shown symbolically as A, T, C, and G. These letters are strung together like a linear text. They are not just symbolically shown as letters, they are very literally the letters of our instruction manual. Small clusters or motifs of these molecular letters make up the words of our manual, which combine to form genes (the chapters of our manual), which combine to form chromosomes (the volumes of our manual), which combine to form the whole genome (the entire library). [Bold emphasis added.]

“A complete human genome consists of two sets of 3 billion individual ‘letters’ each. Only a very small fraction of this genetic library is required to directly encode the roughly 100,000 different human proteins, and the uncounted number of functional human RNA molecules which are found within our cells. Each of these protein and RNA molecules are essentially miniature machines, each with hundreds of component parts, each with its own exquisite complexity, design, and function. But the genome’s linear information, equivalent to many complete sets of a large encyclopedia, is not enough to explain the complexity of life.” 29

Sanford goes on to show that the linear codes are only the beginning; they only designate how cells are to be built and maintained. Then multiple overlapping codes also control the thousands of functions going on in a typical cell. “In addition to multiple overlapping, linear, language-like forms of genetic information, the genome is full of countless loops and branches— like a computer program. It has genes that regulate genes that regulate genes. It has genes that sense changes in the environment, and then instruct other genes to react by setting in motion complex cascades of events that can then modify the environment. Some genes actively rearrange themselves, or modify and methylate other gene sequences—basically changing portions of the instruction manual!

“Lastly, there is good evidence that linear DNA can fold into two- and three-dimensional structures (as do proteins and RNAs) and that such folding probably encodes still higher levels of information. With the typical non-dividing nucleus, there is reason to believe there may be fabulously complex three-dimensional arrays of DNA, whose 3-D architecture controls higher biological functions.” 30

All this incredibly miniaturized organization, coordination and control “just happens,” according to the faithful apologists for the religion of Darwinian evolution. Sanford’s “Primary Axiom” (which his book quoted here totally disproves) is that a long series of mutations and “natural selection”—“supervised by no one”—made all this happen.


Can we agree that organization, coordination and control DO NOT “just happen”?

What is an accident? It is a result of a LACK of control!

Did Someone Make It?

A paleontologist walking along a dry riverbed in the Rift of East Africa can spot a crude triangle-shaped stone with chip marks along the edges and be certain he has found something designed, fashioned, worked and made. It’s probably a spearhead or an axe of some kind made by a “primitive” tribesman centuries ago.

Some of the same people who will admit that something that crude was made will look at the multiple libraries of instruction manuals in the human genome, the convoluted loops of feedback and control mechanisms that determine not only how the organism develops but how its thousands of vital functions are controlled and regulated—a complete multiple-facility plant more extensive by far than that which built and launched our expeditions into space—and say it all just fell together by accident, all by itself, out of nothing! It developed by a series of trillions of favorable mutations, followed by “natural selection,” “supervised by no one.”

And they call God-believers “delusional”?